A social space for golden oldies

Refreshing chats: Golden Woady Senior Citizens’ Doreen Ringin said more older people from the Shire’s north are welcome to join the relaxed and welcoming social group. Photo: MICHAEL CURRIE
SENIOR residents of the Golden Plains Shire’s north are invited to share a meal and a cuppa with likeminded older people once monthly.
A group known as the Golden Woady Senior Citizens meet informally on the last Thursday of each month for lunch.
Before the pandemic, the Golden Woady’s used to meet regularly at the Linton Recreation Reserve clubrooms, and president Doreen Ringin said the lunches are an alternative way for long-time members to keep in touch and connect with new friends.
“We have about 20 active people that come along, and anyone’s welcome,” she said. “My next-door neighbour and her neighbours came last month, keeping numbers up.
“I’ve got six people from Linton, four from Snake Valley, one from Smythesdale, and the rest are from Ballarat and surrounds.
“There is no formal membership, and we go out to different places for lunch. We were at the Bunch of Grapes last month, and this month on the 29th of June, we’re going to the Golden Point Hotel.”
Ms Ringin said she enjoys creating opportunities for others to catch up with long-time friends, and for attendees to meet new people for the first time.
“I heard a couple say that they look forward to this each month,” she said. “I’ve tried to keep it going for that reason.
“I’m on my own, but I like to share my time with other people, and if it’s doing some good, it’s worthwhile.”
The group still has games equipment stored at the recreation reserve clubrooms and Ms Ringin said she hopes one day they’ll return to their original home and format there.
“I’d like to think we’ll get back to The Blue Room,” she said. “If we had more new members that wanted to play and travel, it would become more sustainable.”
Contact Ms Ringin to express interest via 5344 7474.