Sports and rec program seeks active ambassadors

Diverse talents and voices: Active Women and Girls Ambassadors will be of all ages, from varying recreational backgrounds. Photo: FILE
WOMEN and girls with active lifestyles who keep moving for fitness, fun or competitively could be eligible for a leadership role representing the City of Ballarat.
The Active Women and Girls Ambassadorship Program is seeking passionate, energetic females of any age, willing to assist and encourage others to reach their recreational and sporting potential, or simply make exercise a larger, social, more enjoyable part of their lifestyle.
City of Ballarat mayor, Cr Ben Taylor said the program is one of the municipality’s leading initiatives in the recreation and sporting realm, and is keen to see active events return with the easing of COVID-19 restrictions.
“There is nothing that can match sporting activities with your friends and peers, and this ambassador program will provide great social opportunities as well,” he said.
Active Women and Girls Ambassadors will become leaders in the sporting or recreational group they represent, be positive role models and champion equal opportunities for women and men.
Ambassadors will be part of marketing initiatives, including social media, to encourage women and girls to be active.
They will likely become part of the Ballarat Active Women’s Leadership Network, and its planning group, register their sporting or recreational group as a program partner, and use events to support the City in building relationships with clubs, associations and health care providers.
The program is coordinated by the City of Ballarat and Sports Central.