All-weather equestrian arena for Leighdale riders

June 21, 2024 BY

Grants from Bannockburn and District Community Bank, GPG Naturgy Group, and local businesses also helped cover the costs of finishing the arena.

LEIGHDALE Equestrian Centre’s upgraded covered arena has officially opened

The arena roof will create opportunities for all-weather horse riding, and has 150 lux LED lighting.

Spectator seating for 80 people and a self-irrigating flex material surface have been installed, alongside water tanks and a storm water drainage system.

The arena works were funded with $318,296 from the State Government, $325,000 from the Golden Plains Shire, $30,000 from the Leighdale Equestrian Centre Committee of Management, and with grants from Bannockburn and District Community Bank, GPG Naturgy Group, and local businesses.

Leighdale Equestrian Centre Committee of Management president Tom McCann, Member for Eureka Michaela Settle and Golden Plains Shire mayor, Cr Brett Cunningham officially opened the facility.


“Leighdale Equestrian Centre had a massive day with the much-anticipated grand opening of the brand new indoor/undercover arena,” said Leighdale Equestrian Centre Committee of Management member Kirsty Blake.

“A massive amount of time and money has gone into achieving this brilliant community asset.

“State MP Michaela Settle presented at the opening along with mayor Brett Cunningham and our LEC Committee of Management president Tom McCann.”

Leighdale Pony Club members, six-year-old Marlee Black and Pegasus, try out the surface.


Member for Eureka Michaela Settle, also the Parliamentary Secretary for Agriculture said the support came as part of the Local Sports Infrastructure Fund.

“The new roof and other upgrades are a big win for local horse-riding clubs,” Ms Settle said.

“This means even more of the community can enjoy having fun at the centre rain, hail or shine.”

Ms Blake said riders and carriage drivers will be able to book or hire the venue and the committee of management’s team of volunteers are putting final touches on this new process.

Under-cover: The indoor arena allows for horse riding all year round, and under lights. Photos: SUPPLIED


“We’re really looking forward to welcoming other community groups to come and use the space, and to expanding on the existing use of the grounds,” she said.

Leighdale Pony Club, Bannockburn and Teesdale Riding Club, Inverleigh Riding Club, Geelong and District Carriage Drivers, and Barwon Hunt Club are user groups of Leighdale Equestrian Centre.
