Announcement regarding our Community Corner section

March 25, 2020 BY

IN light of the current COVID-19 pandemic we have decided to make changes to our free community noticeboard section, Community Corner.

As of the 2 April edition, any notices for groups and activities that we know to be affected by the current stage two protocols (or future protocols), like events and meetings for activities that take place in spaces impacted by closures, will be deleted from Community Corner.

This also applies to groups or activities for at risk sections of the community like seniors’ centres and immunocompromised support groups that undertake physical meetings.

Once the threat from the current pandemic subsides and appropriate government agencies give the all clear for normal life to resume, we will welcome the return of your community focused listing.

You will need to resubmit your notice via [email protected].

However, we know that Community Corner is an important part of our paper that connects us all.

As such we will still welcome listings for community groups and not-for-profits who are undertaking activities that conform with current social distancing protocols or are shifting to connectivity in the online space. Community Corner is not open to commercial or for-profit listings.

The deadline for Community Corner remains unchanged, that being 11am on the Thursday a week before publication with submissions to [email protected].

Please keep all notices to 40 words or less and be aware that notices could be edited or declined at our discretion.

We thank you for your understanding and ongoing support.


Alistair Finlay

Editor, Ballarat Times News Group and Golden Plains Times.