Annual day about healing the environment

Conservation: Community groups and volunteers will be out with bags and rubbish tongs to pick up trash as part of the annual Clean Up Australia Day initiative. Photo: FILE
GETTING outdoors and doing something for the environment will be a central focus for many when the annual community-led Clean Up Australia Day returns next month.
With registrations still open for groups and individuals, people are encouraged to apply to help pick up rubbish as part of the nationwide event on Sunday 3 March.
Rotary Club of Wendouree Breakfast president Geoff James will be one of many Rotarians cleaning up two local sites.
“The first one is at Yarrowee Creek just on White Flat Oval just off Hickman Street where we did some revegetation work late last year with Central Highlands Water,” he said.
“The second one will be at our Rotary Centennial Park off Remembrance Drive and the Link Road where there’s tonnes of rubbish dumped there or fallen off utes piled up at the fence line there which we’ll tidy up.
“It’s quite visual and when people see others coming out to see others cleaning up, they hopefully get the message to secure their rubbish.”
Mr James said between 30 to 50 people attended the recent Yarrowee revegetation effort while their previous Clean Up Australia involvement saw about a dozen participants.
Both clean-ups will run from 10am.
Clean Up Australia chair Pip Kiernan said it’s important people lend a hand in repairing the environment.
“By registering, you become an official supporter and participant of Clean Up Australia,” she said.
“It’s a simple action for people of all ages to play a vital role in preserving our environment for ourselves and for generations to come.
“Our recent report showed that of all litter collected by our volunteers, 44 per cent was cleared from waterways, followed by parks and bushland at 16 per cent and 11 per cent respectively.”
Registering schools and community-based participants will be sent a free kit including, gloves, bags, and other items upon applying, which can be done via the Clean Up Australia website.