Lest we forget – Anzac Day events for Monday, 25 April.

April 24, 2022 BY

Eternal: Memorial services will run across the Shire for Anzac Day, including at Teesdale. Photo: FILE

Anzac Day events for Monday, 25 April.

CRESWICK DAWN SERVICE. 5.50am, Albert Street cenotaph, Creswick. Followed by a gunfire breakfast at the Senior Citizens’ Centre.


CORINDHAP DAWN SERVICE. 6am, Corindhap Memorial Park, 4 Hall Road. Followed by a Gunfire Breakfast at the Rokewood Pub, 75 Ferrars Street.


BALLARAT DAWN SERVICE. 6am, Ballarat Cenotaph, Sturt Street. Followed by a gunfire breakfast at Midlands – Ballarat RSL Sports and Services Club.


BANNOCKBURN DAWN SERVICE. 6am, Bannockburn monuments, High Street. Memorial service and wreath-laying.


CARDIGAN MEMORIAL SERVICE. 7am, Fireman’s Memorial, corner of Remembrance Drive and Finches Road. Short commemorative ceremony led by the Cardigan and Windermere Fire Brigade.


TEESDALE MEMORIAL SERVICE. 7am, Teesdale monument, Shelford-Bannockburn Road. Floral tributes will also be laid.


SHELFORD MEMORIAL SERVICE. 7.45am, Shelford monument, Shelford-Bannockburn Road. Floral tributes will also be laid.


ARCH OF VICTORY SERVICE. 8am, the Arch of Victory and Garden of the Grieving Mother, corner of Learmonth and Sturt streets, Alfredton.


SEBASTOPOL MARCH. 8.45am, Albert Street. Marchers assemble near the RSL on Birdwood Avenue.


SEBASTOPOL SERVICE. 9am, Sebastopol cenotaph, adjacent to Sebastopol Library. The proceedings will conclude in time for participants to attend the Ballarat march and service.


EX-PRISONER OF WAR COMMEMORATIVE SERVICE AND WREATH-LAYING. 9am, Ex-Prisoner of War Memorial, Lake Wendouree. Register online for this service at bit.ly/3vh97kq.


INVERLEIGH MEMORIAL SERVICE. 9.15am, RSL Sub-Branch Building, 10/6 West Street, Inverleigh. March to the monuments for the service before wreath-laying.


CRESWICK WREATH-LAYING. 9.30am, Soldiers’ graves at the Creswick Cemetery. 9.50am, Creswick-Smeaton RSL Hall memorial Stones.


MEREDITH MEMORIAL SERVICE. 10am, Meredith Memorial Hall, 61 Staughton Street. Floral tributes will also be laid.


SMYTHESDALE MEMORIAL SERVICE. 10am, Smythesdale War Memorial, Garden Street. Followed by morning tea.


BUNINYONG RSL MEMORIAL SERVICE. 10.15am, Buninyong Memorial Park, corner of Warrenheip and Learmonth streets.


BALLARAT MARCH. 10.30am, Sturt Street, near the Ballarat Cenotaph. Marchers to arrive early and assemble on Lyons Street north.


CRESWICK MARCH. 10.45am, Albert Street. Marchers assemble from 10.30am at the Splash Park, Albert Street.


CRESWICK ANZAC DAY SERVICE. 11am, Albert Street cenotaph, Creswick.


ROKEWOOD MEMORIAL SERVICE. 11am, Rokewood RSL and memorial, 35 Hardie Street. Floral tributes will also be laid, before light refreshments at the RSL Hall.


BALLARAT COMMEMORATIVE SERVICE. 11am, Ballarat cenotaph, Sturt Street. Followed by refreshments and two-up at Midlands-Ballarat RSL Sports and Services Club from 1pm.


HADDON MEMORIAL SERVICE. 11am, Memorial Park cenotaph, Sago Hill Road. There will be a service and reading, followed by refreshments at the Haddon Community Learning Centre.


CRESWICK TWO-UP. 12pm, outside Creswick-Smeaton RSL, Albert Street.


ANZAC DAY FOOTBALL MATCH – BANNOCKBURN v INVERLEIGH. 2pm, Inverleigh Sporting Complex, 20 Railway Street. Memorial service to be held before the game begins.


LINTON MEMORIAL SERVICE. Tuesday, 26 April, 10.30am, Linton Community Hub, 68 Sussex Street. Floral tributes will also be laid.