Author to offer novel writing tips

Way with words: Karen Turner has been a professional creative writer since her first published work, a collection of short stories called All That and Everything, was released in 2009. Photo: FILE
WITH November marking the return of an annual challenge asking people to write part of a novel in thirty days, Ballarat Writers members are calling in an experienced author to help people write to the task.
As part of that event, later this month writer Karen Turner will give attendees tips and advice on how to quickly craft a book leading into National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo, which starts every year on the first day of November.
Ballarat Writers chairperson Laura Wilson said she hopes Turner’s workshop will give attendees the confidence to tackle the 50,000-word challenge.
“We’re hoping it gives them a bit of a kick up the bum and gets them thinking about what can I do over the next month?” she said.
“They’ll have the weekend to plot things out and from the way Karen works, plotting is quite important to her and having a bit of preparation before you start.
“They should come out of this with an idea of what they want to do and how they want to do it, and a bit of inspiration to do really start off on the right foot.”
Though she’s given informal talks with Ballarat Writers members since 2011, the workshop will be Turner’s first through the group.
Ms Wilson said Turner’s workshop will be a mix of practical and theoretical delivery.
“It’ll be a mixture of talking about her experiences because she’s done traditional publishing and self-publishing, she also does technical writing as well as fiction writing,” she said.
“She’s got a lot of experience to draw on which she speaks to but she also does have those practical activities. She’ll make it so it’s relevant to people’s own writing.”
Ballarat Writers members will also hold writing sessions for NaNoWriMo two to three times each week, the details of which will be posted on their social media.
All are welcome to attend the sessions.
The How to Write a Novel (in 30 Days) workshop will take place from 9am to 12pm on Saturday 28 October at Ballarat Trades Hall.
Tickets are $10 concession and for Ballarat Writers members, and $20 for non-members and can be booked at