Baby and children’s items in high demand

Needing stock: Eureka Mums operations manager, Trinsa Lewis said her team redistributed 1000 items to families in the last three months. Photo: EDWINA WILLIAMS
EUREKA Mums are seeking public donations of cots less than ten years old, car seats less than eight years old, single and double prams, and good quality, clean clothing to support families in need.
Operations manager, Trinsa Lewis said demand in the COVID climate is huge.
“Now we’re accepting donations again, so we don’t have to purchase them, which is what we’d prefer to be doing anyway, to recycle them and reduce landfill,” she said.
“We’ve got 40 orders on the books at the moment, and some are babies that aren’t born yet. There are families in need of aid, that have never needed help before, that have lost their jobs because of COVID.
“Usually we have a stock of excess stuff we can grab as soon as we need it, but we’re not at that point. We’re bundling what we can to order.”
Those donating can let Eureka Mums know what they’re bringing and book into a 10-minute drop-off period. At the centre, those giving can stay in their car and volunteers will collect.
“We’re desperate for clothing, particularly larger children’s sizes. If people can put it into bags in sizes, then when we’re doing an order, we know where to find what we’re looking for,” Ms Lewis said.
“We quarantine everything for 72 hours, which is the same rule that applies to op-shops.”
In the last three months, Eureka Mums has rehomed $100,000 worth of items, and supported 363 children, from babies to 12 year olds.
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