Chamber getting back in business

Chamber president Bronwyn Davie launched the workshops and a directory at last week's networking evening. Photo: MICHAEL CHAMBERS
BANNOCKBURN and District Chamber of Commerce is running a Back in Business series of workshops for local businesspeople.
Enterprises with a Chamber membership, their guests, and non-members are invited to participate in three practical sessions at the Bannockburn Cultural Centre on Wednesday, 1, 8, and 15 June.
Chamber president Bronwyn Davie said the program presented by marketing, digital business and grants specialist Stephanie Beitzel is designed to equip people with new skills and ideas, and energise them for the next 12 months in business.
“The end of the financial year is always an ideal time to work on your business, not just in it, and this year, as we all re-group after lockdowns and restrictions, the Chamber is especially thrilled to be offering this series of three practical, expert-led workshops,” she said.
“Whether you want proven tips and tools to bring in more business, an overview of the latest apps to save time and money, or expert guidance to access grants, our Back in Business workshops will help set up our local businesses for a successful financial year.”
The focus of the first workshop on Wednesday, 1 June will be bringing in more customers through sales and marketing.
The second event will run on Wednesday, 8 June will look at how to save time, and the third session on Wednesday, 15 June, is set to explore accessing grants, with a panel of local experts.
All the sessions will go from 5.30 pm to 8pm.
The program is free for Chamber members and guests, $25 for non-members, and $10 for non-member concession holders. Each workshop can accommodate 30 people and will be catered.
Non-members can claim two free tickets to each workshop by applying for a Chamber membership worth $120. Visit to register.