
Green light for growth plan

September 23, 2021 BY

Looking ahead: The Bannockburn Growth Plan considers future and existing residents. Image: GOOGLE EARTH

THE Minister for Planning has approved the Bannockburn Growth Plan, which maps out sustainable expansion for the town over the next three decades until 2050.

Eighteen thousand new Bannockburn residents are considered in the Growth Plan, alongside locations for housing developments, and the infrastructure – roads, employment opportunities, shops and facilities – that would be needed to cater for the boom.

Golden Plains Shire mayor Cr Helena Kirby said councillors are pleased to see the document put into local government’s planning scheme.

“The growth plan is a really important strategic document that will guide the development of our Shire’s largest town, and ensure community infrastructure, retail, housing, public transport, industrial land and sustainable water use is all adequately considered ahead of the development process,” she said.

“Bannockburn is our Shire’s largest town, and we know more and more people are looking to move to the town and Golden Plains Shire, and while this plan caters to future residents, it is also about the existing residents.

“I’m thrilled so many locals provided their input in the two consultation processes last year.”

The plan was developed by the Victorian Planning Authority, consulting with the municipality, community members, and government agencies.

Residents had their say on the Plan multiple times. In March of last year, 394 completed a survey for the VPA sharing what they thought were priority projects for Bannockburn.

Throughout the Growth Plan and Draft Planning Scheme Amendment feedback period at the end of last year, 39 people sent in written feedback for consideration.