Bannockburn roundabout moves closer

On the way: Then Corangamite MP, Sarah Henderson, pledged a new roundabout for Bannockburn during the Federal election campaign. Photo: FILE
BANNOCKBURN road users may begin to feel safer next year when they travel through the town’s north-east entrance.
Construction on a new roundabout at the five-way intersection, where Clyde and Shelford-Bannockburn Roads meet Kelly Road, adjacent to the railway line, is on track to begin.
Expected to commence in 2020, Senator for Victoria David Van said the government is planning works.
“Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Cities and Regional Development is expecting to receive a delivery project proposal report in the coming weeks,” he said.
The Bannockburn Entrance project is expected to be completed in 2021.
Golden Plains Shire Mayor, Cr Owen Sharkey recently urged the Federal government to “move forward” with works, having had sustained concerns about the intersection.
“The Federal government made a firm commitment to fund the $3.2 million project,” he said.
“The busy intersection is clearly a serious safety issue and the new roundabout is a top priority for local residents and Golden Plains Shire Council.”
Member for Corangamite, Libby Coker hoped there wouldn’t be a fatality in the meantime.
“It is critical that the Morrison government makes this project a priority. Residents and visitors are at risk every time they approach this dangerous intersection,” she said.
“This project addresses the risks to residents and visitors who use this five-way intersection that merges right at the entrance to the business district of Bannockburn.”