Barbershop bands together for bushfires

Shaving and supporting: Jimmy Morrison gave Shane Hoffmann a trim this week ahead of his busy Saturday fundraiser. Photo: EDWINA WILLIAMS
BARBER and shaving saloon, Musket & Bayonet was established three years ago to not only keep Ballarat looking sharp, but to provide a safe community space that gives back.
That’s why owner, Jimmy Morrison and his team will give all proceeds from haircuts, shaves and merchandise this Saturday, 11 January to the bushfire appeal, supporting firefighters and communities affected by the Victorian and broader disaster.
“As a business, we try and really be community involved. With all the fires going on, we discussed as a shop what we wanted to do,” Mr Morrison said.
“With Saturday as our busiest day, we had the idea to have 100 per cent of any taking we make on the day go to the bushfire appeal because it’s the most beneficial day to do it.
“All of Australia’s on board, but everyone here is very kind-hearted here in the shop and wants to give back as much as possible.”
With many local businesses jumping at the chance to be involved with the initiative, including burger and tattoo shops, there will be raffles of donated items throughout the day, and a tin for any further donations.
“Whenever there comes a situation to give back, we try and get involved wherever we can,” Mr Morrison said.
Musket & Bayonet also runs an annual men’s mental health program in collaboration with Headspace.
“We offer a safe space and environment for everyone, not just men, for everyone. We’re a non-gender specific barbershop,” he said.