Begonias ready to bloom

March 8, 2024 BY

All a buzz: The Ballarat Begonia Festival returns the the botanical gardens this weekend. Photos: Marcel Berens

BALLARAT’s annual Begonia Festival is back for another year with three days of fun on offer for the community this weekend.

The free event will include live music, performances, food and drinks, markets, celebrity guests, family activities, workshops and begonia garden displays.

More than 500 begonias will be on display in the Robert Clark Conservatory including the brand-new begonia cultivar, which is named after the gardens’ first curator George Longley.

“I’m looking forward to another bumper crowd off the back of last year’s 65,000 people that came along,” said City of Ballarat mayor Cr Des Hudson.

“I am excited to see the conservatory absolutely in full bloom and it will be really great to see the brand-new begonia that will be unveiled to the public.

“It is just a credit to our parks and gardens team because the skill they have to hold back the blooms until this weekend and to turn it on, it’s like their grand final day.”

On the main stage there will be a range of horticultural presentations by special guests including Paul West, Hannah Moloney and Courtney Roulston.

The begonia maze, Integra tiny town, sports zone and marvellous minibeasts will be on site providing family fun was well as performances by SWAY.

The traditional begonia parade will kick off from 11am on Monday 11 March starting in the south gardens and running along Wendouree parade.

More than 40 community groups will be involved in the event.

“The community parade on Monday that people enjoy is a showcase of the local community,” said Cr Hudson.

“Community organisations can come out and showcase themselves and hopefully build awareness.”

Central Highlands Water will also be running a range of activities around their Choose Tap program which encourages the community to use reusable water bottles.

Stainless steel bottles will be available for purchase will all proceeds going towards the Ballarat and District Aboriginal Co-operative.

“Central Highlands Water is thrilled to return to the 2024 Ballarat Begonia Festival with a range of exciting activities across the weekend,” said managing director Jeff Haydon.

“Our team will be located in the Botanical Gardens, hosting a range of fun and educational displays, including the opportunity to learn more about the benefits of our new digital metering program.”

Free shuttle buses will be running from the Ballarat Train Station to the festival with free car parking also available on site.

The Ballarat Begonia Festival runs from 9 to 11 March and to find out more information visit

All a buzz: The Ballarat Begonia Festival returns the the botanical gardens this weekend. Photos: Marcel Berens


More than 500 begonias will be on display in the Robert Clark Conservatory.