Black Ice warning system to be switched on

June 11, 2020 BY

Ice, ice, maybe: Minister for Roads Jalaa Pulford with Michael Bayley from Regional Roads Victoria at Creswick on Tuesday. Photo: ALISTAIR FINLAY

A NEW black ice detection system and warning signs on the Midland Highway outside of Creswick on the Ballarat side should be activated before the end of the week.

The safety measure, located just south of the RACV Goldfields resort, was announced by State roads minister Jalaa Pulford on Tuesday.

“When I first got my licence, I can remember my parents saying, ‘You gotta watch out for the black ice, you’ve always got to assume it’s there’,” she said.

“You can’t see it until you’re on it and if you get in strife on the ice you’ll be in all sorts of terrible trouble.”

The black ice detection system is just one of many road safety measures currently being rolled out on the Midland Highway between Ballarat and Creswick.

Other developments include roundabouts, safety barriers, rumble strips, road and shoulder widening and the addition of turning lanes. Overall $14.5 million is being spend on the upgrades.

Ms Pulford said the interventions were aimed at making the busy section of road better for all drivers.

“There’s all sorts of things to make this stretch much safer,” she said. “Every dollar that we invest is about one less knock on the door, one less life spent with an injury, or in the worst of circumstances, one much loved member of the family never coming home.”

The detection and warning system uses the same technology as others throughout the state, including those on the Western Highway.

Lasers are directed at the road surface and when conditions are right, the warning lights will activate advising motorists to drive to the conditions.

Unlike black ice systems on the Western Highway, the signs do not give an advisory speed.

“A reduction to 40kph on the [Western Highway] is because there’s consistent ice there so we encourage everyone to get to the same speed,” said Michael Bayley director of western, Regional Roads Victoria.

“I would encourage everyone to drop back to 40kph, at least, when the signs are activated. You’ve got to drive to the conditions, whatever they may be.”