Blood donor drive doesn’t suck you dry

November 1, 2018 BY

Thumbs-up: Blood donor Darren Whitford and Colin Littlejohn - community relations officer at Ballarat Red Cross Blood Service. Photo: ALAN MARINI

THE Australian Red Cross is calling on all residents to donate blood for the growing demand, which will improve the quality of life for thousands of people all over the Country.

Colin Littlejohn, community relations officer at Ballarat Red Cross Blood Service said, “We are looking for 100 plasma donors over the next two months in Ballarat, the plasma we collect can be used in 18 different life-giving ways.

“There is a great demand for this and it is important, especially coming towards Christmas, that we have adequate stocks.”

Darren Whitford, coordinator risk and compliance officer from the City of Ballarat spoke while giving blood at the Latrobe Street Red Cross Blood centre, “Council is very good about staff giving blood and they allow us to take time off to come and give it when we can.”

“There are around 200 council staff who donate as regularly as they can. There is a Red 25 Competition with other councils, which runs for part of the year, and we try and beat other Victorian councils across the state for the amount of donations we give.”

Ballarat is always does well competing amongst the other municipalities.

“Last year our council won the most donors organisation, which is fantastic, the final tally for this year hasn’t been released as yet, but we will know soon,” Mr Little john said.