Boating risks flagged ahead of holidays

Danger: Boating is currently banned at lakes and reservoirs that are spilling due to currents. Photo: SUPPLIED
GOULBURN-Murray Water is encouraging those heading to lakes and rivers for recreation this summer to be aware of risk.
After spring’s flooding events, water levels are high, with some storages spilling, and there is the potential for dangerous hazards to be under the surface.
“Many of our storages have received high inflows in recent months,” said GMW water storage services general manager Martina Cusack.
“Often these inflows carry debris into our dams and lakes that can cause problems for boaters. The high-water levels will also cover vegetation that would normally be above the waterline.
“The flooding will have also changed riverbeds. There may be snags and sandbars where there previously weren’t any, so it is important people are wary that not all hazards will be visible.”
Where lakes and reservoirs are spilling, and strong currents can be present, boating is currently banned.
“To avoid disappointment, people should head to our website before visiting a storage to see what restrictions are in place,” Ms Cusack said.
“We will review our storages closely until they return to safe boating Levels, so we are eager for people to be able to enjoy them as soon as it is safe to do so.”
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