Boomerang Bags thready for future

Ready, set, sew: Volunteer Belinda Wardle helping to create another reusable bag. Photo: BAYLEY COCKING
BUNINYONG Boomerang Bags is calling for sewers of all skill levels to attend their upcoming planning meeting to discuss the future of the organisation.
Founded in 2017, the volunteer group has since crafted approximately 2500 borrow bags, fruit and vegetable carriers and other useful handmade items.
The products are distributed at local supermarkets and events, with borrowers asked to return the bags to where they picked them up from.
Co-founder Sam Blanchard said the planning meeting is being held to see if the group needs to refocus its goals.
“It’s good to sit down and see how we’re going and where we should be going. It’s just sort of to assess where we’re at and go from there,” she said.
The sewing community works to reduce the use of plastic bags in the Buninyong area, by creating reusable bags through upcycling.
Upcycling is the process of turning old and unwanted materials into new and better products with a higher environmental value.
On a good week, nearly 50 reusable items can be crafted, which Ms Blanchard considers a considerable effort for the 20 volunteers.
“Not everybody in the group sews, we all do different little bits and pieces. It’s important that this group is open for everyone, even if they don’t know how to sew,” she said.
All are welcome to attend the planning meeting, which will be held on Sunday, 9 February at 2pm, at the Royal Park Hall in Buninyong.
For more information, visit