Seeking land-carers for Bruces Creek

Catchment: In the Shire, Bruces Creek runs through peri-urban and endangered volcanic plains areas. Photo: SUPPLIED
THE Bruces Creek catchment area near Lethbridge, Bannockburn and Teesdale is currently without a dedicated community environmental group, but this will soon change.
Geelong Landcare Network facilitator Bronwyn Merritt is seeking expressions of interest from residents who would join a Landcare team of volunteers in this space.
“It’s up to the group what they would like to make of it, but the broad aim would to be look after and rehabilitate the environment in that area, and increase community capacity for environmental action,” she said.
“There’s also a social side to this, getting likeminded people together who want to achieve things for their local community, and increase their knowledge.
“It will be a formalised, incorporated Landcare group. It doesn’t officially have a name yet, but is likely something to do with Bruces Creek catchment. We’ll wait and see.”
The landscape is part of the endangered Victorian Volcanic Plains and includes peri-urban areas.
The next Bruces Creek Landcare meeting will be held on Monday, 30 May at the Bannockburn Cultural Centre.
“If you think this group might sound interesting, you are more than welcome to come along and see where it goes,” Ms Merritt said.
“For those who are on an acre or two, lifestyle or agricultural blocks, and not knowing what to do with it, we’re also interested in targeting them.
“This is about environmental sustainability and what people can do help achieve that in our local area.”
GLN received a Community Strengthening Grant from the Golden Plains Shire to build community capacity for environmental action, which has allowed this initiative to go ahead.
The Network is working with natural resource management worker Dale Smithyman at the Shire in the set-up of the group.
Contact [email protected] or 0438 525 502 if you’d like attend, or express interest.