Bush gallery adds to local art scene

New venture: Ruby Pilven is launching Ross Creek Gallery on the first weekend of September. Photos: EDWINA WILLIAMS
AN independent art gallery in a country setting is about to open on the outskirts of Ballarat next month.
Ceramicist Ruby Pilven and her mum, fellow artist Janine Ronaldson, are launching Ross Creek Gallery on Post Office Road.
Pilven said the space has been a 10-year dream, and in development for the last 13 months.
“Usually, every time we want to show work, we have to clean up the studio for two weeks beforehand,” she said. “It’s a lot of effort to move everything around.
“Instead, we want to have a nice clean, aesthetic space to show our work, and make it really sing.
“The studio is great, but it’s just a studio. This new space will be an actual gallery that I hope will wow people, offer some sophistication, and a heightened sense of respect to the works all the time.

“In Ballarat, there’s not many places to exhibit, so this is something new, and different, out in the bush.”
Ronaldson is a painter, ceramicist, and Pilven’s studio technician. Work they have both produced on site will be displayed and for sale in the gallery.
In the future, they plan to “share the love” by inviting other artists from the broader Ballarat community to have exhibitions in the space.
An official opening is set for Saturday 2 September, 1pm to 4pm, and then the gallery will be open every Saturday.

“Instead of being open three times a year for open studios, I can be open every weekend,” Pilven said.
“It’s great for local people, and those coming out from Melbourne wanting to see some Ballarat spots.
“I’ll be here working in the studio and can come out and chat to them in the gallery.”
Pilven and Ronaldson also plan to be part of the Australian Ceramics Open Studios event in November.
Search rubypilvenceramics on Facebook for more information on the launch.