Businesses together in ‘tough times’

Job well done: Justin Kent from Ballarat Engineering Plastics, a small business R&J Batteries can “rely on.” Photo: FILE
THE Shout! Out! Ballarat campaign has encouraged R&J Batteries to boost up one of their enterprising peers.
As the incumbent Federation Business School Commerce Ballarat Business Excellence Awards’ Business of Year, R&J Batteries is giving Ballarat Engineering Plastics a public boost.
R&J Batteries CEO Stuart Hamilton said Ballarat Engineering Plastics’ service, led by Justin Kent, is “fantastic.”
“He keeps you informed on your projects. If there’s a delay or something unforeseen, he’s quick to give you a call or email, so you’re never left wondering,” he said.
With such “excellent” communication, Mr Hamilton said he’s never “left wondering” about a job he has contracted.
“When you’re in a business, there’s nothing worse than when something is not done on time, or when you don’t hear about it, but you don’t have that problem with Justin and his team.
“They’ll do what they say and stand by it. They get the job done. In small business, whether retail, manufacturing or wholesaling, that’s what you need; people you can rely on,” he said.
“They’re doing a great job.”
Mr Hamilton’s crew is “honoured” to be part of a campaign that lifts the local business community up at such a challenging time, reminds them that they’re not alone and that the city cares.
“Everyone’s found it tough and there’s tough times ahead. As the Business of the Year, it gives us a lot of pride to be involved.
“Shout! Out! Ballarat is a marvellous initiative. To sum it up, we’re proud, but we’re also humble that we’ve been asked,” he said.