Call for safer crossing

Pedestrian concerns: A petition has been sent to Golden Plains Shire requesting the installation of a zebra crossing at Haddon-Windermere Road to link in with an existing walking track. Photo: TIM BOTTAMS
RESIDENTS at Haddon have devised a petition to Golden Plains Shire calling for the installation of a zebra crossing at one of the town’s major thoroughfares.
With more than 140 signatures, the document was developed following growing safety concerns for young pedestrians and is proposing for the crossing to be at Haddon-Windermere Road near Memorial Reserve.
The petition was displayed at the town’s kindergarten, general store, and primary school, with the latter’s principal Maryanne Moody saying although the crossing isn’t an immediate concern for the institution, she’d still welcome it.
“We’ve have maybe two or three events per year where we walk the children to the Lions Park or the go kart track,” she said.
“To have a crossing there would be awesome but it’s only two or three times a year. I fully support it but it hasn’t been a huge concern for the school. “Once we got our school crossing about eight years ago, we were happy with that and we don’t have that many children crossing that road to attend school.”
Of Haddon Primary’s 245 students, Ms Moody estimated about six would regularly cross at the petitioned site.
“There’s absolutely been an increase in traffic at that intersection though,” she added. “Since the cattle yards from Ballarat were moved to Miners Rest, it’s a thoroughfare for trucks carrying cows and sheep.
“The whole area’s just escalated over the last 10 years.”
Haddon Kindergarten is adjacent to the school, overseeing Haddon-Windemere Road, and service leader Jessica Lock said a zebra crossing would be well-utilised.
“We often go on excursions across to the Lions Park where there’s a road that meets directly across Haddon-Windemere to the park,” she said.
“Having a zebra crossing would really support us getting the kids across. We also have lots of families that use that area too. “Haddon-Windemere Road is 80 kilometres at one point unless it’s a school zone so the traffic can be quite dangerous.”
Mayor, Cr Brett Cunningham said there would need to be several considerations before a zebra crossing could go ahead.
“Should they submit a formal petition…it should be noted that council would need to first consider the contents…at a formal meeting,” he said.
“Whilst Golden Plains Shire Council is the responsible road manager for Haddon-Windermere Road, a zebra pedestrian crossing is a major traffic control item that requires Department of Transport approval. “To meet the criteria for DOT approval, several factors would be taken into consideration including a pedestrian count of more than 60 pedestrians per hour within 20 metres of the proposed location and a traffic count of more than 500 vehicles per hour at this location.
“The current traffic counts on Haddon-Windermere Road are below 500 vehicles per day so it is unlikely that a pedestrian crossing would be approved at this location.”