Call out for creatives at lifestyle estate

Painting place: Ken Allen is one of about a dozen residents expected to take part in Lucas Lifestyle Estate’s first art show. Photo: SUPPLIED
A SPLASH of colour will be coming to the Lucas Lifestyle Estate’s clubroom later this year, with residents calling on creatives to contribute to their first ever art show.
Submissions are open now until Tuesday 15 August for people to submit their painted or photographed works.
Chair of the Lucas Lifestyle Estate’s residents’ committee Graham May said the now-public exhibition grew out of their desire to showcase their creatives.
“We’ve got some artists within our estate,” he said.
“We were promoting this amongst other lifestyle villages in Ballarat and we’ve gone further afield contacting artist groups in Ballarat, Creswick, Daylesford, surrounds.
“We don’t see a lot of these community art shows that we can see happening in Lucas, so it’s an opportunity for people to bring their works in and have them for sale.”
Mr May said he expects to see about 100 works in the show, with about a dozen potential artists residing in the lifestyle estate itself.
The top-prize painter will receive $500 while the person behind the best photograph will get $250.
A separate prize will be given for the people’s choice category which will be held during the exhibition’s run.
Mr May said the show will also put the lifestyle estate itself on display.
“We felt this was also a great way to showcase the village and its various aspects to the public,” he said.
“It’s an opportunity for locals around Lucas and other areas to come look at the village itself and for other artists to see other works and meet artists as well.”
The Lucas Lifestyle Estate Art Show will go from Friday 1 to Sunday 3 September, running from 6pm to 8pm for the opening night, and 10am to 4pm the following days.
Though attendees can enter the exhibition free, a gold coin donation is encouraged.
A $10 fee will apply for submitters, who can enter their works by emailing Mr May at [email protected].