Call to connect creatives

reating together: Golden Plains Shire is calling out for community members to help bolster the region's creative network. Photo: FILE
EXPRESSIONS of interest are now open for those interested in helping to co-produce three community networking programs for the region’s artisans and creatives.
The initiatives will be built around networking between contemporary practitioners, makers and crafters, and small halls.
Golden Plains Shire mayor Cr Brett Cunningham encouraged anyone interested to put up their hand to help build and connect the region’s artistic community.
“Co-producers for these excellent networking groups will foster collaboration, capacity building and gather knowledge to form a successful network in our Shire,” Cr Cunningham said.
“Bring your vision to life as you co-produce dynamic community initiatives and forge connections that strengthen our collective impact.
“If you have experience and a drive for connecting our unique community and maker groups, please consider applying today.”
The co-producers’ role will be to help connect the region’s creatives via networking opportunities and encourage collaboration with the aim of building the Shire’s arts profile.
They will also be tasked with carrying out research and assisting to build an organisational model to support the region’s networking opportunities.
Public liability insurance and a valid Working With Childrens Check will be required from all successful applicants for whom a remuneration package and travel expenses will be made available.
To enquire about the EOI and co-producer role, contact the municipality’s acting coordinator of community development by emailing [email protected] or calling 5220 7111.
Applications opened last week and will close on Monday 20 May.
To send a submission, visit Golden Plains Shire’s consultation page on their website or email [email protected].