Careers expo returns

April 30, 2024 BY

Discovery: The Y Bannockburn will host this year’s Golden Plains Shire careers expo. Photo: FILE

THE Golden Plains Shire Careers Expo is to be held again with the aim of empowering residents to access new educational and career opportunities.

The event, held at the Y Bannockburn, is for people of all ages and will include representatives from Deakin University, WCIG, Gordon TAFE, VFA Training, VicPol, SES, Multiskills, MecwaCare and Silverchain.

Attendees at the expo can talk to industry experts from these institutions and explore possible educational and professional paths.

Golden Plains Shire mayor Cr Brett Cunningham said the expo is a great chance to see what’s on offer.

“We’re delighted that the Golden Plains Careers Expo is returning in 2024,” he said. “It’s a fantastic opportunity for people of all ages to explore their future career options and training opportunities.

“We look forward to welcoming a variety of industry professionals who will provide insight into career pathways and further education opportunities to help connect people to their dream careers.”

The Shire’s youth development team will also be in attendance so residents can learn about skill and job training programs.

The expo will be on Friday 24 May from 1pm until 7pm.