Top carriage-drivers back on track

Elegant and exciting: The marathon and obstacle course made for most dramatic action of the Championships. Photo: FETLOCKED PHOTOGRAPHY
THE country’s best carriage drivers and their horses were in Teesdale during the long weekend competing at the Victorian Combined Driving Championships.
It was Geelong & District Carriage Drivers’ turn to run the event at Leighdale Equestrian Centre, last hosting in 2015, and Batesford’s own Rodney Lane was named the overall winner for 2022.
GDCD president Nicole Linic said the champs included dressage action, a marathon and obstacles, and a cone course.
“Saturday was our dressage phase. We had four judges and 51 entries who were being assessed on how the horses could perform a test, their elegance, accuracy, if they could perform a range of trot and canter paces,” she said.
“Sunday was the marathon phase which is where speed comes into it, and it’s the most exciting. Horses drove six kilometres on roads, and through the Don Wallace Reserve bushland to time, before returning to the grounds for eight marathon obstacles.
“The cone course, which is the most like show jumping, was on Monday, and the drivers had to go through 20 cones without knocking any of them over, and if they knocked any, they were penalised.”
Ms Linic said many competitors, from what is a reasonably small sporting community, were happy to reunite after two years apart due to the pandemic.
Interest in carriage driving isn’t necessarily increasing but is consistent.
“People look at it as an old-person’s sport, but our club has one of the youngest working groups in Victoria,” she said.
GDCD took the opportunity to partner with local businesses in delivering the event, including major sponsor Hann’s Horse Transport. Food was supplied by Shirebased caterers including Lethbridge’s Fed by Jed.