CFA pushes fire preparedness

October 14, 2021 BY

Prepare: The CFA said now is the time to get ready for the fire season.

THE CFA is warning Victorians to start preparing their homes for bushfire season.

The state’s seasonal outlook forecasts a wet spring, leading to strong grass growth and increased potential risk of grassfire in the north-west ranges.

However, strong rainfall has reduced the risk of bushfires in the eastern, north-east and central ranges and the Otways.

CFA Chief Officer Jim Heffernan said regardless of the weather, now is the time to get ready for the fire season.

“Victoria is one of the world’s most bushfire-prone areas, and even a normal fire season presents a high risk to communities,” he said.

Mr Heffernan said even those who plan on leaving early, before a high-risk fire day, should prepare their house.

“A big clean-up before the fire season can make a huge difference to the safety and survival of your home in a bushfire,” he said.

“If burning off as part of preparing your property, make sure you check for local restrictions, monitor weather conditions – particularly wind – and always register your burn-offs.”

Other ways to prepare your property include pruning tree branches, using less flammable mulch alternatives such as pebbles, removing large shrubs and checking home and contents insurance.