Change coming to kerbside recycling

February 17, 2024 BY

Purple patch: Golden Plains Shire is set to implement a purple glass bin from October. Photo: FILE

FROM this October residents in the Golden Plains Shire will be required to recycle their glass in a separate purple bin.

At the same time, the frequency of collection of the yellow recycling bin will be reduced from weekly to fortnightly.

The changes are in line with State Government policy which requires municipalities to implement a purple glass bin by 2027 and a green food and garden organics bin by 2030.

The change means that from October, residents will be required to sort their rubbish into general waste, general recycling, and glass.

Golden Plains Shire mayor Cr Brett Cunningham said the changes will help less waste end up in landfill.

“Council is committed to improving and enhancing its waste practices and keeping glass separate has been shown to improve the quality of other recyclable materials,” he said.

“This helps create a more environmentally responsible collection service for our Golden Plains Shire community.”

Municipal data indicates that 15 per cent of the community’s current mixed recycling is made up of glass.

More detailed information on the role out of the purple bin will be confirmed at a later date.