Ideas sought on climate adaption

March 31, 2022 BY

Key theme: Survey respondents are asked to give their thoughts on solar, wind and hydroelectricity. Photo: FILE

WORKSHOPS are being run across Golden Plains to survey residents as part of the Shire’s climate emergency plan consultation.

The completed Golden Plains Climate Emergency Plan 2022-2032 is set to be a guide for the community in changes they can make, and actions they can take to adapt to climate change, and lessen further global warming.

The survey has been open since the start of March, looking at sustainable transport, renewable energy, biodiversity, waste, community action, and adaptation.

At least 50 community members have filled it in, while Golden Plains Shire mayor Cr Gavin Gamble said other residents have headed to the in-person workshops to offer their ideas and feedback in more detail.

“It’s been great to see the response to the Golden Plains Climate Emergency Plan consultation, with lots of great ideas being raised,” he said.

“There has been a variety of responses and areas of focus from the community, and council thanks those community members who have participated so far.

“This plan is an important part of council’s commitment to do our part in tackling the climate emergency. We are pleased to be taking a collaborative approach and I encourage all community members to take the opportunity to share their ideas and vision at one of the in-person engagement sessions this week.”

Consultation was carried out at Golden Plains Farmers’ Market and Smythesdale Country Market earlier this month, and a Shire stall will collect more feedback at the Golden Plains Community Fair at the Golden Plains Farmers Market on Saturday, 2 April.

Two workshops are left at Teesdale Community Hall tonight, Thursday, 31 March, 6 to 8pm and at the Dereel Soldiers Memorial Hall on Saturday, 2 April from 12 to 2pm.