Club keen for family growth

August 30, 2024 BY

Bowled over: Nevaeh learns some skills in the nets with Meredith Cricket Club's Daniel Measures. Photo: TIM BOTTAMS

MEMBERS of the Meredith Cricket Club are looking to boost their numbers with a come-and-try event next weekend.

Following attempts last year to build junior and women’s sides, the group will be showcasing the sport to attendees from 10am on Sunday 8 September.

President, Terry Hart, said the club is especially looking to form an under 13s side.

“That age group in particular is what we’re looking to get up and running for the year,” he said.

“There’ll be a barbecue afterwards and we’re having our first seniors training on the same day so people can come along and see what we’re about and get introduced to the cricket club.

“We’ll be running a few clinic days at the local primary school to build some interest around it.

“We had our come-and-try last year where a lot of children turned up from various ages between five and 13. We’ve identified that under 13 age group is probably where we’ve got the most numbers available.”

The club consisted of about 40 members across their senior men’s player base last year.

Mr Hart said the come-and-try is about furthering the group’s goal of becoming a more family-oriented club.

“We’ve had feedback from local people that there are kids who want to get involved so it’s about creating that opportunity for them,” he said.

“We couldn’t get a side up last year but the families that came are really keen to continue for this season.

“We probably have about five or six women that have indicated they’d like to see a women’s side this year so having more juniors means we might be able to get some mums around the club and interested in participating.”