Club to celebrate community support

November 17, 2023 BY

Big effort: Aussie cricket legend Merv Hughes is set to be the guest of honour at the upcoming Bannockburn Cricket Club annual community event. Photo: ROB BLAKERS/ AAP IMAGE

TO recognise local sponsors, past players, and supporters, Bannockburn Cricket Club members are holding their second annual community event next month.

The afternoon will kick off from 12.15pm as the club takes on Thomson in a one-day game before there will be a visit from Australian Cricket legend Merv Hughes.

“What it is really for us is a day to thank so many wonderful local sponsors that keep us up and running,” said club president Ricky Howling.

“It’s a chance for us to give them a special day and we thought rather than just having it in the rooms we’ll give them that special element.”

Live entertainment will be on from 3.30pm with finger food provided and drinks sold at bar prices.

The day is open not just to sponsors but to anyone in the community who wants to support the group or meet likeminded people.

“It’s a good way early in the season to open up and bring all our members and the community together,” said Mr Howling.

“Last year we had 90 people attend and it was good to see some fresh faces who came down to say hello.

“Everyone is welcome to come on down, have a great day and watch some quality cricket.”

Mr Howling said sporting clubs are a crucial part of communities like Bannockburn.

“There’s a lot of people in sporting clubs that live for their weekends and to play a game of a cricket,” he said.

“It’s a really big part of people’s lives and I think sporting clubs play such a big role in people’s mental health.”

The event will take place on Sunday 9 December and tickets will cost $20. They can be purchased at