Club to promote social inclusion

Support: InterClub coordinator Margie Iafrate is currently preparing for Bookfest. Photo: MIRIAM LITWIN
NEXT weekend InterClub Ballarat will be hosting a Bookfest with the aim of bringing the community together and raising funds for the organisation.
The event sponsored by the Little Bookshop will be held from 10am until 4pm at 320 Pleasant Street South on Saturday 4 November and Sunday 5 November.
There will be a range of books and craft items on offer as well as a coffee van and a sausage sizzle.
“Wayne who owns the Little Bookshop approached us as he supports us,” said InterClub coordinator Margie Iafrate.
“He’s going to be here and he’ll have all the hall and is going to give us a certain percentage of the takings.
“We’ll also have craft items which have been donated.”
The interclub Drop-In Centre is a place for adults with disabilities to come together and feel included within a community.
“It’s for disengaged clients starting at 16 years of age,” said Ms Iafrate. “When they come here, they do there own thing and there’s a computer room, puzzle room, a TV.
“Our charter is to be socially inclusive as well as participating in the community.”
Ms Infrate said the relaxed environment of InterClub sets it apart from other services.
“It’s casual, it’s informal and they’re not under pressure to perform,” she said.
“We’re providing something that other services don’t as a lot of other services are really structured.
“Here they have their own committee that meets four to six times a year with an independent person chairing the meeting.”