Cold weather tips for pet owners

Rug up: Vets are urging pet owners to be mindful of keeping their animals warm this winter. Photo: BRENDAN McCARTHY
PET owners are being alerted to the dangers of cold temperatures this winter for their furry friends, highlighting the importance of ensuring they have plenty of shelter, warmth, and nourishment.
Petstock Vet Clinics general manager Dr Sasha Nefedova said winter brings a host of potential risks for pets, ranging from exposure to the cold, to dry skin, to various hazards indoors and outdoors.
“Each type of pet faces its own set of challenges during winter. Understanding these risks is paramount to safeguarding pets’ well-being throughout the season,” she said.
Dr Nefedova said frostbite and hypothermia are of significant concern for dogs, particularly during any outdoor activities in the extreme cold, while outdoor cats may seek warmth in hazardous places, such as car engines.
“Smaller pets such as rabbits and guinea pigs may require extra bedding and protection from chilly drafts, and providing adequate heating and insulation in bird cages is essential to prevent temperature-related health problems,” she added.
In terms of cold-blooded reptiles, Dr Nefedova said snakes, lizards, and turtles may enter a state of brumation (a condition of extreme lethargy) during winter, reducing their metabolic activity.
“Proper heating and lighting are critical to maintaining optimal temperatures and ensuring the health and well-being of reptile pets during the colder months,” she said.
No matter what their age, according to Dr Nefedova, owners should consider allowing their pet to sleep indoors during winter.
“Not only will they be more comfortable, but they will use less energy to maintain their body temperature,” she said.