Community lunch to launch plan

September 22, 2023 BY

Social space: The upcoming Shelford community lunch will be held at the Shelford Cricket Club. Photo: SUPPLIED

EVERYONE will soon be invited to break bread together as part of an upcoming community lunch to be held at Shelford early next month.

The event is being organised by the Shelford Progress Association, and secretary Glenn Jeffery it’ll be a belated launch for the town’s community plan, which was finalised last month.

“It’s sort of the launch in that we’ve gone through the planning, presented to council, got the seed funding in the bank,” he said.

“This is a bit of a chance to come together for that. Hopefully some of the projects have started coming together so those groups can talk about what they’re up to with those.

“I think council are changing the way they used to launch the plans. They used to be during council meeting but were fairly low-key, so I think they’d prefer to come out to the community and lend support that way.”

With food funded by Golden Plains Shire, the lunch will run from 11.30am at the Shelford Cricket Club.

Shelford Progress Association secretary Glenn Jeffery. Photo: FILE

Mr Jeffery said the lunch will be a great opportunity for community members to get updated about the developments being supported in the district.

“There are those that know about these projects in the community plan and those that don’t,” he said.

“Those that care can see there’s support and money going into those projects and the people working on them, it makes it more concrete.

“The intent behind this is to springboard that and have more people more confident in getting involved to see their ideas come to fruition.”