Community members welcomed

March 13, 2019 BY

INDIVIDUALS: Committee for Ballarat new community members – Rochelle Kirkham, Mark Hemetsberger, Sheree Collins, Sarah Myers, Kate Davis, Nichole Ashby and Daryl Clifton – bring their own skills and perspectives to support the Committee’s activities. Photo: SUPPLIED

COMMITTEE for Ballarat recently announced the appointment of seven community members – Daryl Clifton, Kate Davis, Mark Hemetsberger, Nicole Ashby, Rochelle Kirkham, Sarah Myers, and Sheree Collins.

The Committee’s membership, working to create a better future for Ballarat and the region, previously consisted of a broad cross-section of regional organisations, companies, and businesses.

In a bid to broaden contributions from individuals the Committee established a community membership category, calling for applications late last year.

Nick Beale, Chair of Committee for Ballarat said the organisation is working to build a strong social and economic future for Ballarat and the region.

“Projected population growth will present many challenges and opportunities for our region and it is important that our social fabric is protected and enhanced,” said Mr Beale.

“These new community members bring a broad range of skills and experience to assist us in our important work.”

The Committee works collaboratively with the three tiers of government, key stakeholders, and other organisations to drive change, hosting and actively contributing to key projects and programs.

“Our members are the lifeblood of our work,” she said.

Nicole Ashby returned to Ballarat, where she grew up and was educated, after twenty years working in management positions and education in Western Australia said seeing the changes that have occurred is inspiring.

“But there is so much that still needs to be addressed such as population growth, social issues, schools being at capacity and housing affordability,” said Ms Ashby.

“I’m excited and honoured to be able to contribute to these issues and more, as a Committee for Ballarat community member.”

Mark Hemetsberger, with a background in marketing and communications, believes that strong and successful communities are formed based on shared ideas and concepts.

“Through my participation in the Committee for Ballarat, I’m excited to use my experience and knowledge to contribute to Ballarat’s future,” said Mr Hemetsberger.

Community member appointments are for a twoyear term and are free of membership fees.