Community to gather for cuppa for a cause

May 19, 2023 BY

Sweet treats: Rokewood’s Biggest Morning Tea in support of the Cancer Council has become an important event on the district’s calendar. Photo: FILE

ROKEWOOD’s biggest morning tea is being held this month to raise funds for the Cancer Council.

For a gold coin donation, anyone can come along and have morning tea with door prizes and a raffle.

Money raised from the event will go to the Cancer Council and support people impacted by disease as well as finding new and better ways to treat it.

Jessica Culhane, communications and community partnership officer at Hesse Rural Health, said its really important people touched by cancer have a community around them.

“What’s nice about this event is people come together and share their stories and it reduces the stigma of cancer,” she said.

“Half the battle with cancer is not the cancer itself but also coping with the trauma of cancer.

“Having that support network behind people is really important.”

Ms Culhane said cancer is an aspect of our society which connects people.

“It’s really important to support the Cancer Council because every one of us has been touched by cancer either in our family or someone we know,” she said. “It’s a common threat to all humanity.”

Last year more than 20,000 morning teas were held throughout Australia raising $11.2 million and Ms Culhane said the Rokewood event has become an important date on the local calendar.

“It’s something that we do in the Rokewood community each year and it seems to be one of the social highlights for the community,” she said.

“It’s a great way not only to raise money but also to get those community ties and connections together.

“Especially in Rokewood internet and things can be a bit tricky so when we have an event we can come together.”

The event will be held Tuesday, 23 May at Rokewood Community Medical Centre from 10am until 12pm.