Children and families focus for tour

First stop: Cafs CEO Wendy Sturgess was a panellist during the first part of the Centre for Excellence in Child and Family Welfare’s Connecting Communities Regional Tour. Photo: FILE
VICTORIA’S peak child and family services body launched a travelling regional program this week, aiming to link likeminded organisations within the sector, and share knowledge.
The Centre for Excellence in Child and Family Welfare’s Connecting Communities Regional Tour is designed to strengthen their members’ and partners’ grasp on the unique challenges country Victorian families, children and young people experience.
It’s also a chance for the Centre to hear from those working in the child and family services sector, to share ideas, start conversations, and strive to problem-solve.
Ballarat was the first stop, with discussions held at the Mercure Hotel and Convention Centre, and the day’s local expert panellists included Cafs CEO Wendy Sturgess, Grampians Public Health Unit medical director Rosemary Aldrich, and Ballarat and District Aboriginal Co-operative CEO Karen Heap.
“This forum demonstrates a genuine commitment by the Victorian Government to listen to the community about the issues that affect our sector,” Ms Sturgess said.
“We would be encouraging anyone who has an interest or works in the child and family services sector to take this opportunity to amplify the voice of regional Victoria directly to the key decision makers at a State level.”
Centre for Excellence in Child and Family Welfare CEO Deb Tsorbaris said the organisation’s “bread and butter” is this kind of engagement.
“It tells us what we need to be doing in terms of advocacy, government relations work, and support,” she said.
“The Centre has not had many opportunities to engage with the sector in person since the start of the pandemic, as we have shifted online to protect our staff, members, and the community.
“We welcome anyone involved in the sector and allied sectors to come along and talk to us and to each other.”