Councillor’s comments to media end in ban

On leave: Cr Les Rowe has been a councillor with Golden Plains Shire for the past seven years. Photo: FILE
A GOLDEN Plains Shire councillor has been suspended from his municipal duties for one month.
Following their regular council meeting on Tuesday evening, Cr Les Rowe’s temporary leave came into effect the next day following a process of arbitration requested by mayor Cr Brett Cunningham.
Cr Rowe’s suspension came about due to comments he’d made in a Golden Plains Times article called Priorities paused for gravel grade calendar published on 20 January 2023.
In the article, Cr Rowe commented on the efficiency of the municipality’s gravel road grading policy in the wake of last year’s heavy rain, and referred to a lack of speed as well as drainage infrastructure.
Cr Cunningham said he thought a process of arbitration was necessary.
“I’m disappointed that I had to seek the intervention of a State Government appointed arbiter, as our internal processes did not result in an agreed manner to resolve the concerns,” he said.
“As a result, I felt it was necessary to have the matter resolved as no councillor should disrespect the hardworking staff of our council.
“I’m pleased that the independent arbiter not only reaffirmed the need for a public apology by the councillor, but also recognised the seriousness of the recurring behaviour, resulting in a one-month suspension from the office of councillor.”
Cr Cunningham initially alleged that Cr Rowe had breached the municipality’s policy in speaking with the media, which states councillors “should” coordinate comments and statements through the organisation’s media team.
Cr Rowe was found not to have breached the municipality’s media policy given other councillors’ unsanctioned media comments in the past as well as the policy’s use of the word “should” not suggesting mandatory requirement.
Golden Plains Shire’s media policy is set to be revised next month.
Cr Rowe was found to have breached part of the Local Government (Governance and Integrity) Regulations 2020.
He was made to present a written apology to his colleagues and municipal staff for his comments, which was tabled at Tuesday’s council meeting.
He said his criticisms were centred around the organisation’s program and that he never meant for his words to upset any individual in the organisation.
“That was not my intent one iota,” he said. “I’ve listed an apology to the appropriate people so hopefully it’s all done and dusted now.
“Whatever the arbiter’s decision is it final so I suppose I’ve got to agree with it.”
This arbitration process marks the second this year to involve Cr Rowe, with deputy-mayor Cr Gavin Gamble citing six initial claims of misconduct against him.
Coinciding with his reappointment in mid-August Cr Rowe declared a leave of absence from his council duties during their recent council meeting.
His leave will come into effect from Saturday 26 August to Tuesday 3 October.