Dachshunds to battle it out at popular derby day
THE Inverleigh Sporting Complex will once again host the popular Dachshund Derby Day family event on Sunday 2 March.
Organisers are expecting as many as 2000 people from throughout Victoria to attend and about 100 dachshunds to be registered to compete on the day.
The derby winner – determined from a final field of 10 – will receive a trophy, a ribbon and a prize.
In addition, the All Breeds Race is open to other dogs that meet the requirement of being only up to 30 centimetres at the shoulder.
One of the organisers, Melissa Gillett, said the family-focused day also attracts many other breeds and their families, the only requirements being that the dogs are kept on a leash and are not aggressive.
“Even if you don’t have a dog you’re welcome to attend,” she said. “It’s a gold coin donation; it’s a great family day.”
Other activities and attractions include a Cutest Puppy competition, an egg and spoon race, billy can and sack races, free face painting, a petting zoo, craft and dog-related stalls, coffee vans and food trucks.

Entries for the races will be taken from 8.30am on the day, with events scheduled to start at 10am.
Ms Gillett said the derby day, to be held for the 13th year, is run by a not-for-profit committee.
It was started by four friends from the area who regularly took their dachshunds to a similar day in Port Fairy, and decided to run their own.
One of them, committee president Carol Perrett, remains the driving force.
Ms Gillett said the derby day also enjoyed the support and involvement of local community groups – the cricket club runs the canteen, Teesdale CWA runs a cake stall, and the Bannockburn Scouts set up marquees.
The Inverleigh CFA will this year host a breakfast of egg and bacon rolls, she said.
As for the derby itself, a series of heats sort out the final runners.
In the final, a handler at one end of the 20-metre course holds the dog and a catcher at the finish calls it. The catcher is not permitted to use lures, whistles or any other enticements.
“It can be quite intense,” Ms Gillett said, adding that entries are received from throughout the state.
Enquiries about the derby day can be emailed to [email protected]. The Inverleigh Sporting Complex is in Railway Street.