Dance classes toddle up the highway

November 4, 2023 BY

Making moves: Jacque Gill is set to expand the Jacque’s Dance Studio’s offerings for the first time since establishing in January, 2020. Photo: FILE

A DANCE studio based in Lethbridge is set to expand with weekly children’s offerings soon to take place the Meredith Community Centre.

From the start of the first school term next year, Jacque’s Dance Studio owner Jacque Gill will deliver her toddler’s dance classes every Monday at the site.

She said the classes are an extension of her studio’s aim to give children confidence without the stresses of live concerts.

“I’ve wanted to change that societal expectation around dancing, that toddlers should be up on stage with makeup and in costumes performing in front of people,” she said.

“I want to make it more about the children learning how to move their body, gaining confidence, and actually feeling like they can be proud of themselves and have self-esteem.

“It’s not about being onstage an having that pressure but it’s more just a fun, friendly approach that lets them have that social skill and physical activity.”

The classes will be preceded by two workshops on Monday 27 November, and Monday 11 December to gauge interest in the program.

Both sessions, as well as the classes, will be geared towards children aged between one and four years old.

The workshops will be $15 each while the 45-minute classes will be $12 on a week-by-week noncommittal basis.

Ms Gill said she’s excited to see her dancing community grow.

“I love meeting new families and making more connections and getting a sense of the vibe that’s out there,” she said.

“That’s whether they want more classes, whether they want more school-aged or toddler-aged classes. It’s getting to know that area of the community a bit better.

“In 2024, at Lethbridge we’ll be running on a Monday night for school-aged children and then we run on Saturday mornings so Meredith will be working alongside that.”

Like Jacque’s Dance Studio’s Lethbridge sessions, the classes will also entail craft, bubbles, and other activities.

To express interest in the workshops or classes, visit the Jacque’s Dance Studio Facebook page, or contact Ms Gill on 0448 046 551, or the Meredith Community Centre on 5286 0700.