Date set for dog dash

November 3, 2023 BY

Race is on: The date has been set for next year’s Dachshund Derby. Photo: FILE

THE date has been set for the next annual Inverleigh Dachshund Derby.

The event which is open for all dogs up to 30 centimetres at the shoulder will take place on Sunday 3 March at the Inverleigh Sporting Complex.

Ribbons and prizes will be awarded for all categories and there will be trophies for the Dachshund Derby and all breeds race.

Organising committee marketing officer Melissa Gillett said it was exciting to have confirmation the event will go ahead for another year.

“There was no guarantee it was going to go ahead with the costs of everything going up but this year we had great support from the Golden Plains Shire,” she said.

“Last year was a terrific event and it would be really disappointing to see it not go ahead.”

Entries will commence at 8.30am with events running from 10am and the entry fee will be priced at $20.

There will be a range of other entertainment on the day with a cutest puppy competition, egg and spoon race, billy can race and sack race.

A full canteen and food vendors will be on site with attendees encouraged to bring their own seating.