
Dereel marks Soldiers’ Hall centenary

May 27, 2021 BY

Connection to the past: Julie Donaghy shares some historical material with Golden Plains Shire mayor Cr Helena Kirby Photo: TONY LONG

THE Dereel community recognised the one hundredth anniversary of the construction of their Soldiers’ Memorial Hall last Saturday.

Approximately 100 people from the district, and travellers from Bendigo, Melbourne and Geelong attended the commemorative day at the Hall which was organised by Julie Donaghy, a community member and passionate long-time historical researcher.

Wadawurrung man Barry Gilson conducted a Welcome to Country, and the town’s first smoking ceremony, the Dereel-Enfield Scouts raised the Australian, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags, a free barbecue kept everyone fed, and Golden Plains Shire mayor Cr Helena Kirby officially launched the centenary celebration.

The pressed cement hall was constructed over six years. Photo: PHILLIP DAMON

“It took about six years for the Hall to be built in 1921, and it’s made out of pressed cement,” Ms Donaghy said.

The event was an opportunity for people to learn about and share the town’s history.

“I’ve been privately researching Dereel, the three schools, our churches, racetrack and more for about 25 years. People have given me copies of photos, and maps, so I had a lot of printed information and books at the Hall for people to read on the day.

“The older people that have lived in the area forever came along to remember their past, have a look at the research and reflect on their school or churches, and tell me where businesses used to be,” Ms Donaghy said.

“It was such a friendly atmosphere.”

The 100th anniversary offered a relaxed and welcoming space for community members established and new to connect.

“Because of COVID, there are lots of people that have moved out of Melbourne and to Dereel, built new houses, and they’re settling in well. It was a great way for them to meet new people,” Ms Donaghy said.

“We welcomed lots of locals from Rokewood as well.”

Ms Donaghy is planning to coordinate a Dereel school reunion in 2022.