Digital home for Ballarat WAGS stories

Course 32: Tom Runnalls was 18 in 1942 when he started training at No. 1 WAGS Ballarat, before serving in the South Pacific. Photo: EDWINA WILLIAMS
AN online memorial recognising six thousand RAAF trainees that went through the No. 1 Wireless Air Gunners School in Ballarat from 1940 to 1945 is now live.
Featuring research by Air Force Association Ballarat Branch members, Dr Tom Roberts and Peter Schoutens, the site has been developed by UBC Web Design, also honouring the school’s 1182 men killed at war.
Website coordinator, Janet Bates, is the daughter of a No. 1 WAG who survived the war. has been a fascinating passion project for her.
“Most of the No. 1 WAGS went to England to serve with bomber command and go over in the raids against Germany,” she said.
“Then, when the Japanese came in, they were in the Pacific War. They fought in all theatres of war.”
The site includes profile pages, photos, certificates and documents.