Diverse turnout for inclusive car show

January 30, 2020 BY

Broad spectrum: A 1911 Maxwell AB Roadster and 2019 Ford Mustang parked side-by-side emphasised over a century of automotive development. Photos: EDWINA WILLIAMS

AROUND four hundred cars rocked up to the city’s first Australia Day Motor Show last weekend, hosted by the Vintage & Classic Car Club Ballarat.

The Greyhound Racing Club track saw enthusiasts from near and far, with all automotive eras represented at the inclusive event. Varying demographics were catered for with children’s entertainment and a show of clothing fashions through the decades.

VCCC Ballarat president, John Fisher brought his Mercedes and his Morris Minor along. He said the day offered an opportunity for members of many clubs to come together and share their passion.

“It’s such a great variety of hardware, and I think it’s a trip down memory lane for a lot of people,” he said.

“That’s the advantage of today, to have it open for the public to come in as well.

“The volunteer committee have worked extremely hard so that there’s something for the men and women, so everyone can benefit from having a look at it. It’s a team effort.”

Clubs representing various makes, like Ford, were out in force.

Councillor Samantha McIntosh said it was wonderful to see a diverse turnout at the “auspicious” event.

“It’s a full mixture of people. Indigenous community, locals, people from across our country are here to celebrate the decades, the fashions, the cars and everything that we have to be very proud of,” she said.

“It’s an amazing opportunity on Australia Day for so many people to be able to share what they contribute to our community.”