Drone trial a flaming success

Taking flight: The CFA recently used drones to conduct a planned burn at Stoneleigh. Photo: SUPPLIED
NEW technology which may speed up planned burns and improve safety for CFA volunteers has been trialled at Stoneleigh.
Drones were recently used as part of a six-kilometre planned burn, with the trial branded a success by organisers.
“It’s difficult to burn large areas in a short period of time when you are on foot,” said CFA West Region vegetation management officer Joshua Hodges.
“A drone can complete breaks faster, provide a safer environment for volunteers and is easier to use in areas of rocky terrain.”
Mr Hodges said CFA members will now be able implement what they learnt from the trail into future fire prevention and control activities.
“It was certainly fascinating to watch and we learned a lot on our first attempt that can be integrated into further burns,” he said.
Westmere CFA planned burn coordinator Mark Gubbins was also part of the trial and said drones are great for burns in challenging terrain,
“Everything is fit-for-purpose, everything has got its place, like a drone during a planned burn,” he said.
“Especially if on foot and there are snakes around, so there are many advantages to using a drone.”