Eclectic texts prompt Tough discussions

Diverse membership: Tough Guys Book Club welcomes men of all backgrounds and experiences like Andrew Manton, Paul Roughead, Daniel Fielke and Fernando Elizondo. Photo: EDWINA WILLIAMS
THREE years ago, Andrew Manton was struggling to find a really good book club.
Discovering the volunteer-run Tough Guys Book Club movement, launched in Collingwood, he gathered some men with similar interests, looking for the same opportunity, and started a Ballarat North chapter at the North Britain Hotel.
The aim of Tough Guys is to give men a safe space where they can just show up, respectfully connect to others and have meaningful discussions in a non-threatening environment, whether they read the eclectic books or not.
“The motto is ‘men who read and talk about books,’ and that’s as formal as it is,” Mr Manton said.
“We read all genres, and some are light-hearted, but the kind of books that we read can throw up issues, and generate discussions, that guys wouldn’t traditionally have.”
There are topics the members have unpacked that they would not normally talk about, or necessarily explore, if not prompted in this way.
“The books can be confronting. We have crossed into topics like depression and domestic violence,” he said.
Now with 50 members in Ballarat, and 25 active, the book club has two local chapters, inclusive of men of all ages and experiences.
The first rule of the club is simple in theory; members don’t talk about their work lives. Ballarat South chapter leader, Daniel Fielke said this is to encourage other valuable conversations.
“No one knows what anyone else does, so you can’t develop an idea of how someone is going to speak, or what perspective they’ll bring. You’re not pigeonholing anyone,” he said.
For member, Paul Roughead, this establishes some unpredictability when discussing the month’s text.
“You really don’t know a lot about members’ personal backgrounds and the experiences they’ve had,” he said.
“I joined the club to find my own space away from people I work with, and the people I’ve met have been different because of that.
“There’s been some robust discussion. Some books do tick boxes for people and they’ll have a strong opinion, but their opinion is respected.”
Fellow member, Fernando Elizondo said he values book club meetings as his outlet where he can take time for himself.
“You could invite your friends, but this space is for you.”
Tough Guys Book Club meetings are on the first Wednesday of each month at 7pm. Visit for more information.