Election hub set up

Have your say: This year will see a Golden Plains Shire council election for the first time since 2020. Photo: FILE
AHEAD of the Golden Plains Shire council election in October, an information hub has been launched online.
The hub will be regularly updated with information for residents, ratepayers and potential candidates.
“This hub will be continually updated with the latest news and developments to ensure voters and potential candidates are well informed throughout the process,” said Golden Plains Shire interim CEO, Michael Tudball.
“The hub will provide voters information on how to check and update their enrolment status, as well as information on how the election will be conducted and how council will operate during the election period.
“Potential candidates will be able to use the hub to find information and resources regarding nominating, eligibility, relevant training and more.”
The election will see seven councillors elected to represent the shire until 2028 and to vote, eligible people must be enrolled by 4pm on Wednesday 7 August.
There are two types of voters: state-enrolled and council-enrolled.
State-enrolled voters are Australian citizens aged 18 or older who have lived at an address in the Local Government Area for more than one month.
Council-enrolled voters are ratepayers who are property owners, occupiers or corporations within the LGA but are not a state-enrolled voter within the area.
Recent changes mean that people must now apply to become a council-enrolled voter and once this has occurred, it is compulsory to vote.
Applications to become a council-enrolled voter can be made on online at the information hub.
Candidate nominations will be accepted by the Victorian Electoral Commission from Monday 9 September until Tuesday 17 September.
From there, council will enter the election period and the election will be held via postal ballot from Monday 7 October until Friday 25 October.
To find out more information and view the hub visit goldenplains.vic.gov.au/councilelection.