Engineering skill gap being plugged

May 1, 2019 BY

FIFTEEN long-term unemployed Ballarat residents have been given the opportunity to reskill with the recent launch of Prep4Work.

It’s a partnership between Westvic Staffing Solutions and Federation TAFE aimed at meeting employment and training needs in the Ballarat community.

Program participants will work towards gaining a Certificate II in Engineering Studies and undertake three weeks of work placements with three different Ballarat based employers.

Prep4Work is part of the state government’s Workforce Training Innovation Fund initiating partnerships with training providers and industry.

“We are very well equipped to work with Westvic Staffing Solutions on the pressing problem of skills shortages,” Barry Wright, Executive Director of FedUni TAFE.

“Our engineering facilities at the SMB Campus are ideal for training and supporting new students throughout the region.”

The workplace component is to allow the participants to gain exposure to the industry environment.

“This means they [as potential employees] can see if they are a good fit with the employer,” said Leanne Parker, General Manager of Westvic Staffing Solutions.

The pilot program will focus on manufacturing and metal fabrication and improving potential employee capabilities to enter the workforce.

The program, designed for participants aged 18 to 60, has four women currently enrolled. Westvic Staffing Solutions provides a mentor for the people on the program.

Ms Parker said the mentor works one on one with each person visiting them at Fed Uni and the work placement site.