Event honours Vietnam vets

August 19, 2023 BY

Eyes right: Many of Ballarat’s Vietnam Veterans marched down the cathedral block to begin the formalities. Photo: SUPPLIED

AHEAD of the official Vietnam Veterans Day on Friday 18 August, the Vietnam Veterans Association of Australia’s Ballarat and District Sub-Branch hosted their annual march and service.

The formalities took place last Sunday 13 August at the memorial on Sturt and Dawson streets, with the attendance of 100 to 125 people.

VVAA Ballarat secretary Gordon Hunt said it ran exceptionally well.

“The weather was fortunate, and the crowd for that type of service was good,” he said.

“It’s important that the veterans are remembered, sacrificing a lot in the short-term and the long-term. They appreciate it.”

The march began at Lyons Street North and was led by VVAA Sub-Branch president Sandy McCann.

Reg Mowat was the service’s master of ceremonies, and other speakers included City of Ballarat deputy-mayor, Cr Amy Johnson, the Federal Member for Ballarat, Catherine King, Chaplain John Furness, and Mr McCann, who read The Ode.

The 300 Army and Phoenix College cadet units made up the catafalque and flag parties, and student Sam Haley recited a poem, The 500 not returned, by Vietnam veteran Len Curd.

“Getting the young people involved is important,” Mr Hunt said. “They’re chosen to take part, and they need these opportunities. They quite enjoy doing it.

“We had a good roll-up from both 300 and Phoenix cadets, and we’ll encourage them where we can.”

Representatives of ex-military groups, Victoria Police, community groups, and politicians laid wreaths, and Ballarat City Brass Band’s Troy Cheesman played The Last Post and The Rouse.

Veterans, families, and friends went to The Golf House Hotel for refreshments afterwards.