Expo makes healthy eating exciting
OVER term one and two, Bannockburn’s St Mary MacKillop Catholic Primary School’s students are focusing on nutrition and healthy eating.
As part of the children’s learning, St Mary MacKillop sustainability leader Nicole Sadler said the school is facilitating a two-part Family Nutrition Expo, boosted by a $1000 District Connected Communities Grant from Bendigo Bank Bannockburn.
“Students at St Mary MacKillop love their exercise, so making healthier food choices to fuel their outdoor play is a key goal of the planned Family Nutrition Expo,” she said.
“The Family Nutrition Expo will utilise displays, forums and workshops to provide information in a non-confrontational way about healthy food choices, and the minimisation of food waste, to school children and their families.
“The Expo will be greatly enhanced by the generous community grant… which will ensure all students and families engage in hands-on nutrition workshops, where they will find out about how to make their own healthy snacks and meals… grow their own vegetables, and learn why choosing water instead of sugary packaged drinks is best.”
Stage one of the Expo was coordinated last Thursday, 25 March with students from the foundation level to grade 6 participating in campus incursions and activities.
Further family participation is being introduced with the commencement of term two.
“All families will also receive a fridge magnet designed by year three-four student Elizabeth Stuchbery that will remind them about the important nutrition messages,” Ms Sadler said.
Principal Anthony Drill said the Expo has arrived at an important time for their pupils.
“We’re working on reducing our food waste and improving physical and wellbeing outcomes for our students,” he said.
Find out more information on the school’s Facebook page at bit.ly/3dbZLh5.