FedUni leads way for first timers

October 16, 2023 BY

Opportunity: Federation University has been ranked number one in Australia for first time family enrolments. Photo: SUPPLIED

FEDERATION University Australia has been ranked number one nationally for first in family enrolments by the Good Universities Guide.

The position recognises FedUni as an institution likely to provide an opportunity for higher education to people whose other family members may not have able to access a tertiary qualification.

The institution was also ranked first for overall experience in engineering and technology, and law and paralegal fields as well as the top university in Victoria for social equity and undergraduate starting salary.

“Access and inclusion are critically important for our young people to achieve their goals,” said Federation University vice-chancellor and president Professor Duncan Bentley.

“We’re enormously proud to be the number one university in Australia for first generation student enrolments and number one in Victoria for social equity and undergraduate starting salary.”

It’s the sixth consecutive year Federation University has been ranked first for first in family enrolments, with 54 per cent of the cohort fitting this criterion.

Professor Bentley said the results demonstrate the university’s commitment to a cooperative educative model that seeks to help students become prepared for work and life post study.

“This year we supported students with a record number of scholarships, empowering them to succeed in their studies and thrive in their local communities and as we continue to implement our co-operative education model,” he said.

“We’re giving students a real head start in their chosen profession.”